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The Podcast:
Shine with Mary Obana
Mary Obana, author of “Shine: A Simple Guide to Finding Your Light and Letting It Shine on the World,” hosts the Shine podcast.
Join Mary for friendly, soul-nourishing, spiritually-inspired conversations that expand perspectives and offer practical guidance so you can live joyfully and shine brightly.
Mary believes:
Your experiences are a result of the perspective you bring to your circumstances. If you expand your perspective, you can transform your life.
Everyone has something special within them, a unique gift—a light you are to find and share with the world. You are meant to shine.
You are meant to live with complete joy and peace—nothing less. It’s just awaiting your allowing.
Warm, friendly, honest, real. If you are looking to be uplifted, join her.
Have a question or episode topic suggestion for Mary?
Please record it below! Or, if you’d prefer, email it to
Available Episodes
New episodes are released every other Friday.
Next Up: Episode 044 available Friday, December 10, 2021
Episode 043: Gratitude—The Choice To See The Gift In All Things
November 25, 2021
This episode released on Thanksgiving Day reminds us that gratitude should be more than a once-a-year thing. Listen as Mary shares how gratitude benefits virtually every part of our lives, but even more a new way to think about gratitude. It’s not just about appreciation; it’s about the choice to see the gift in all things. A choice that can change the quality of your health, your relationships, the way you feel, and the way you experience unwanted circumstances.
Mary also includes some fun questions to share at your next family or friend gathering. You won’t want to miss this one.
Episode 042: From Wanting to Having
November 12, 2021
Have you ever wanted something really badly, and it just didn’t happen? Maybe there’s something you want now—a new relationship, a dream job, expanding your family, a thriving business.
No one wants to be stuck in a place of not having. This episode sheds light on why we get stuck and a trusted way to break the logjam so you can turn what you want into something you have. It’s simple. And it works. Fast.
Episode 041: Goodbye, Fear
October 29, 2021
Did you know that fear is connected to every negative emotion? Anger, frustration, worry, jealousy, insecurity… the list goes on.
There are two pieces of good news here. First, if you can let go of the fear, you can let go of negative emotions. Second, fear is a creation of the mind. And YOU have full control of your mind, which means you have complete control of fear.
Take a listen to this episode. And say goodbye to fear forever.
Episode 040: A Journey to Hypnotherapy—An Interview with Kannary Keo
October 15, 2021
Is there something that you keep bumping up against in your life? Maybe it's an inability to reach your goal weight or to find the relationship of your dreams. Perhaps it's a fear of flying or the anxiety you feel when in a big crowd. Maybe the type of success you've always wanted has continued to elude you. Why does this happen? Even more, how can you break the cycle?
Listen to Mary’s conversation with hypnotherapist Kannary Keo. This episode offers a glimpse into the fascinating world of hypnotherapy and the benefits of tapping into the subconscious mind. Kannary’s life story also illustrates how our experiences have a way of leading us to our work, the way we uniquely contribute to the world.
To learn more about hypnotherapist Kannary Keo, visit www.AlohaWellness.Life
Episode 039: Resistance—Let It Go
October 01, 2021
Why is it that we can want something so badly but not get it? Why do things come more easily for some than others? Is this a matter of luck or something else?
There IS a reason, and understanding it can change your life.
The things we want—a more comfortable lifestyle, love, health, connection, peace, financial stability, joy, answers—are ours for the taking IF we create a path—the path of least resistance.
RESISTANCE is what stands in the way of everything we want, and the forms it comes in may surprise you.
Learn what resistance looks like so you can remove the obstacles that stand in the way of everything you want.
It may be simpler than you think.
Episode 038: Transitioning—Love Never Ends
September 17, 2021
As we grow and love, we inevitably face those moments when we are confronted with mortality, that of a loved one or our very own. Mary discusses our soul’s journey, what to consider as you or a loved one transitions from this life, the power of connection, and love. Mary also pays tribute to a trailblazer in her community who is in the midst of it all.
Episode 037: The Power of Acceptance
September 03, 2021
What do you do when you are confronted with something you don’t like? Maybe it’s an unwanted situation, a decision that you disagree with, shocking news. When every ounce of our mind and body wants to reject it, resist it. Deny it. Fight it. Change it.
In this episode, learn about the power of acceptance—acceptance of the situation, acceptance of ourselves, acceptance of others, what acceptance is, and what it isn’t.
Are you in the midst of something challenging right now? Take a listen. The path forward always begins with acceptance.
Episode 036: Change—A Transition to Something More
August 20, 2021
How do you feel about change? Do you invite it in or fear it? Either way, it’s difficult to avoid. Change always comes.
Listen as Mary discusses why change can feel uncomfortable for so many of us and shares a way to think about it that can "change" everything. Change isn't something to fear; it's a transition to something more.
You might soon be welcoming it with open arms!
Episode 035: Recognizing the Specialness Within You—A Tribute to Mary Dungan Caprio
August 6, 2021
We all have something special within us, a light we are meant to find and share. But it can be easy to overlook or discount that which is so much a part of us.
Listen as Mary re-releases an interview from 2020 with a dear college friend, Mary Dungan Caprio, who shares how her cancer diagnosis and finding her light helped her find the fulfillment she had wanted her whole life: the ability to connect with those she loves without expectation, only to share love, happiness, joy, and laughter.
Mary Caprio lost her fight with cancer just weeks ago. In an updated introduction and closing message, Mary pays tribute to her friend and shares the lessons she left us about love and life.
Episode 034: Patience
July 23, 2021
You know that feeling, don't you? When things aren't happening as quickly as you want, when you are eager to get to that place, wherever or whatever that might be. Then, before you know it, feelings of doubt can creep in.
What are we to do?
Listen to Mary as she gives us a whole new way to understand what's going on and what we are to do when we find ourselves there. A time when we are feeling impatient may be an invitation guiding us to something more.
The value of patience.
Episode 033: People-Pleasing: What It Is & How to Break Free
July 09, 2021
Do you feel guilty or fear the consequences of saying no? Do you squirm at the idea of confrontation? Does the thought of someone disliking you make you anxious?
When people quiet their voice and compromise their desires to avoid the discomfort of others' disapproval, it can lead to frustration and resentment. You need not live this way.
Listen as Mary covers what people-pleasing is, what it isn't, and how to work it out of your life so you can make room for YOU.
Episode 032: The Miracle of Now—Hello Joy, Goodbye Worry
June 25, 2021
Do you ever feel worry, anxiety, doubt, guilt, regret, fear? What if you could go to a place that would immediately take all those unwanted feelings away and replace them with joy and peace? Want to go?
Take a listen to this episode. Relief is closer than you think.
Episode 031: Well-Being Part 2—Strategies to Improve Yours
June 11, 2021
After the previous episode, "Well-Being Part 1," you identified what your signature strengths are and learned the common misconceptions about the things that will bring us genuine joy and fulfillment.
In this episode, Mary shares the proven strategies to amp up your well-being, including the ways you can put your signature strengths to work. Now that you know what yours are, you will understand exactly why they're so essential to your well-being.
This is the money episode! Don't miss it!
Episode 030: Well-Being Part 1—Discover YOUR Character Strengths
May 28, 2021
We all want to live our best life, but the things we think will make us happy aren't necessarily what ultimately does. Listen as Mary shares Part 1 of what she learned from The Science of Well-Being course taught by Yale University professor Dr. Laurie Santos.
In this episode, learn the things that steer us wrong and a way for you to discover your very own signature character strengths through a free, online, scientifically validated tool.
Link to the Character Strength Survey:
Episode 029: Energy Assessment and More—An Interview with Life Coach Jeanine Mouchawar
May 14, 2021
Our energy affects everything, including the attitude we bring to every situation. Listen as Mary interviews Life Design Coach Jeanine Mouchawar. Jeanine discusses the power of understanding the type of energy you show up with and how she uses Energy Assessment as a foundational tool for her Life Coaching practice, a purpose-driven vocation she was drawn to after experiencing its benefits in her own life. Stay tuned; Jeanine offers listeners a unique opportunity to experience Energy Assessment first-hand.
To learn more about Jeanine’s work or to contact her directly:
Follow her on Instagram @jeaninemouchawar
Email her at
Visit her website at
Episode 028: Your Magic List—Discovering the Food Your Body Does Not Like
April 30, 2021
What if you had a Magic List of the specific foods, obscure ingredients, and products that your body does not like?
Do you have chronic stomach issues? Fatigue? Joint pain? Have you gone from one doctor to the next, test after test, without any answers? This can be frustrating and discouraging.
Sometimes, this can result from your body's reaction to what you are eating and the products you are using, but where to begin? Do you eliminate everything? How long will this take to get to the answers?
Listen as Mary shares how she was able to pinpoint the specific foods and ingredients that were contributing to her son's health issues, like a Magic List. Eliminating these items has changed his life. Each person has their own list; it's unique to each one of us. If you or someone you know is struggling to feel better, this may just help.
Episode 027: Managing Stress, Worry & Anxiety
April 16, 2021
Do you have a lot on your mind right now? We all have times in our lives when we feel stressed, worried, or anxious. Why do we feel this way and how can we manage it?
In this episode, Mary helps us understand that we have more control than we think over the way we feel and provides encouragement, a fresh perspective, and practical tools so you can feel better.
Episode 026: Access Your Guidance
April 02, 2021
Do you ever wonder what you should be doing? Do you spend hours vacillating between options, worried about making the right decision? Here's the great news. You have guidance that is ready to serve you, ready with the answers that are right for you. It is always accessible if you pay attention.
Listen to Mary as she explains all about the guidance that is available to you, the forms it can take, and the 5 things to keep in mind when you are connecting to that guidance. Everyone can do it, including YOU!
Episode 025: Letting Our Kids Shine
March 19, 2021
In this episode, Mary returns to the subject of Shine, her little book with a big message: you have been given a beautiful light, a gift you are to discover and share with the world. Finding your light is a path to who you are meant to be.
Listen to this episode to remember why finding your light is so important, and what we can do as parents to help our children find theirs.
Episode 024: Follow the Joy
March 05, 2021
Just 42 minutes. That's the average amount of time people spend out of their day doing something they enjoy. That's all. You deserve better.
If you want to learn about living joyfully, take a listen to this short, but sweet episode. Mary presents a perspective on how to think about joy and how to get more of it in your life. You are meant to live joyfully always. And you can. It's a choice. Don't live another day without it!
Episode 023: After Loss, Love Goes On—"Rebecca's Gift"
February 19, 2021
After a tragic accident that would take the life of her 11-year-old daughter and leave her 9-year-old son fighting for his life, Terece Horton returns to the Shine podcast to discuss the debut of her memoir, "Rebecca's Gift."
A few years after the fateful accident, Terece started writing to capture all the signs, symbols, and messages that continued to guide her toward her healing. The beginning of this book would sit in a box, unopened for over 20 years. In this interview, Terece shares the unexpected motivation she received to finish and share her story. And, so she did.
”Rebecca's Gift” is a story of a mother's love for her lost daughter, her devotion to her son, and her process of healing. But even more, the story delivers the beautiful, hopeful, message we all must learn: after loss, love goes on. And with that knowledge, we are compelled to go on, too.
You won't want to miss this episode.
To learn more about "Rebecca's Gift," visit:
Episode 022: Making Way For Everything You Want
February 05, 2021
You are MEANT to have full joy, complete fulfillment, pure love, and peace. This is your destiny! But we don’t always have it. And not having it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ungrateful for what you do have, it’s just the acknowledgment that there’s something you’d love in your life that doesn’t currently exist.
Maybe it’s feeling more joyful. Maybe what you are doing isn’t as fulfilling as it used to be. Maybe you’ve dreamed of doing something you haven’t yet done. Mary shares 5 things that often keep us from getting what we want so they no longer stand in your way. Take a listen so the change you want and are meant to have in your life can make its way into your life.
Episode 021: 3 Things to Know While Manifesting
January 22, 2021
If you have something you want to bring into your life, something you are eager to manifest, and things aren't materializing as quickly as you would like, take a listen.
Mary shares the 3 things you have to know while you are manifesting:
1. Perspective so you "trust through the ebbing";
2. Understanding what you truly want; and
3. How you treat yourself along the way
She also shares some very personal examples of her own journey to illustrate how these things apply to everyday life.
Practical, relevant, and applicable. A must-listen for anyone who is working toward something they want.
Episode 020: Understanding and Managing Your Frequency—An Interview with Author Jessica Andrade
January 08, 2021
020—Did you know that you have a unique vibrational frequency? Your frequency fluctuates and correlates directly to the way you feel, both emotionally and physically.
And here's the exciting news: you can CONTROL it!
Listen as Mary interviews Jessica Andrade, author of the "High Vibe Guide: Understanding and Managing Your Frequency" for tips on the practical things you can do to affect your frequency to feel better every day. Jessica also shares her journey and how her book came to be and how putting aside her fear of judgment allowed her to step into her light so she could shine brightly.
You'll enjoy it!
To check out Jessica Andrade's book "High Vibe Guide" on Amazon, visit:
Follow her on Instagram:
Episode 019: A Turn on the Other Side of the Mic—Mary's Interview on the "Quest for Well-Being" Podcast
December 24, 2020
019—The mic turns and Mary is the one being interviewed in this episode as a guest on Valeria Teles Koopman's podcast, "The Quest for Well-Being."
Listen as Mary answers questions about purpose, what finding your light means, life after death, connecting to your inner guidance, abundance, her life's hardest lesson, and what she knows to be true, amongst others.
Episode 018: Don't Be So Hard On Yourself
December 11, 2020
018—So be honest, do you have thoughts running through your mind of all the things you should do and chastise yourself for not being better? Do you see what others are doing and get frustrated with yourself when things don’t come to you as easily?
In this episode, Mary gives us a way to think about all of this, to understand—without judgment or criticism—what is really going on and implores us to show ourselves the kindness and compassion we so freely give to others, but seldom offer ourselves.
A balm for the soul!
Episode 017: Negative and Positive Thinking—How Changing Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life
November 27, 2020
017—According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has upwards of 60,000 thoughts per day. And 80% are negative! How does this affect us?
Learn what negative thinking can do to our brains and to our lives. What happens when we think negative thoughts? Can you control them? Why is it important? Once you hear this episode, you'll realize that changing your thoughts can change your life.
Episode 016: Abundance Follows Joy—An Interview with London Artist Kate Mayer
November 13, 2020
016—Have you ever postponed your joy to take a more "practical" path, a sensible job, or a career that you felt would be more "responsible"? Have you confused your life's purpose as providing for others?
This is the story of London Artist, Kate Mayer, a woman who spent over 20 years putting her true joy and light aside to pay the bills. Then, Covid hit and she used her love of painting to heal. What would quickly unfold would lead Kate to her life's purpose, shining her light and the realization that abundance follows joy.
To reach Kate Mayer:
Facebook: Kate Mayer London
Episode 015: Cause and Effect—We Are All Connected
October 30, 2020
015—Sometimes, with everything that is going on, it’s hard to remember that we are all connected. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like it. Sometimes, we can forget.
The law of “cause and effect” is immutable; we live amidst this law every day, and in every moment. Sometimes this law manifests more obviously, but the ones that are less apparent are often the most powerful.
Listen to Mary as she shares how our thoughts, our words and our actions—what we put out in the world—affect those around us, in profound and often unexpected ways, and invites a guest who shares how her 11-year-old son reminded her of this truth.
A thought-provoking and uplifting episode.
Episode 014: How to Find Peace Amidst the Discord
October 16, 2020
014—It seems everywhere you turn, there is opposition, separation—sides deeply entrenched in positions, unable to come together. It's not a pleasant environment to be in. What is going on?
Listen to Mary as she posits a way to understand the discord around us, to see it for what it truly is, and a way to take care of yourself and find peace amidst it.
Episode 013: Be YOU
October 2, 2020
013—Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you know what you want and what you need to do, but you struggle to do it? It can be stuck in a job you don't enjoy, but you stay anyways. It can be finding yourself in a relationship you know you shouldn't be in, but you don't make a change. It can be majoring in a something in college because it's what you think your parents want you to do, rather than pursuing what you truly love. It's pretending to be someone you think society wants you to be, but you know it's not who you really are.
Honoring and being who you truly are is the only path to peace.
Listen to this episode. There's a message in it for everyone.
Episode 012: How Quieting Your Mind Can Change Everything
September 18, 2020
012—Our minds are so busy, evaluating, deciding, planning, worrying. A busy mind can make it really hard to notice all the good that is right in front of you… and most of all, to hear that inner voice that is always there to serve you, that is there to guide you to your true self.
Listen as Mary shares how she quieted her busy mind, and how it led to an unfolding of a new path, a recognition of purpose, and life. And how anyone can do it.
Episode 011: A Weight Loss Journey and An Awakening—An Interview with Cristina Curreri
September 4, 2020
011—Have you ever wondered why you can't get rid of that extra weight? Understanding the "why behind the weight" can make all the difference.
Meet Cristina Curreri. Cristina explains how she used food for comfort and escape and shares how her awakening has led to a new understanding about herself, that has allowed the weight on her heart and soul to be lifted at last.
Episode 010: Finding Yourself Again—An Interview with Holistic Health Coach Karen Gallucci
August 21, 2020
010—Sometimes we can be so devoted to others, their happiness and well-being, we can lose ourselves.
In this episode, Mary invites Karen Gallucci, a mom turned Reiki Master and Holistic Health Coach, to share her story—a woman so committed to giving her daughters the childhood she never had, she lost herself in the process. Listen as Karen unabashedly shares how she disappeared and then found herself again, a beautiful example of how our life experiences shape who we are and position us uniquely to help others.
Episode 009: Living Your Purpose—Getting “Unstuck”
August 7, 2020
009—We all want to have full joy, fulfillment and peace, but we don't always feel that way. We all want to live our purpose, but we can sometimes get stuck.
Listen as Mary shares the common ways we can inadvertently get stuck and how recognizing and understanding this within ourselves can help us receive all the love, joy and peace we desire and get on with the life we are meant to live.
Episode 008: 4 Steps to Spiritual Guidance & Your Top Questions Answered
July 24, 2020
008—Does everyone have a Spirit Guide? I want to connect with my guidance, but I don't hear anything. What can I do? How do you know if you're receiving higher guidance or it's just your own thoughts?
Mary (and her Guide!) answer listeners’ top questions, including sharing the 4 Steps you can take to connect to your very own spiritual guidance. A fun and instructional episode!
Episode 007: How a Conversation Changed My Life—A Celebration of My Mom's Bright Light
July 10, 2020
Our experiences shape who we are and shift our lives in significant ways. Sometimes, they can be big things like a tragic loss, a diagnosis, or meeting the love of our life, but sometimes it can be a simple conversation, or act of kindness.
Listen as Mary shares a very personal story of something that happened when she was just a little girl and how a conversation with her mom would go on to change her life. This episode contains both a powerful message and a loving tribute to Mary's mom, who celebrates her 87th birthday, and her very special light.
Episode 006: The Choice to Find Joy—An Interview with Jen Harms
June 26, 2020
What do you do if bad things happen? If you are overcome with hurt...immobilized by sadness?
Meet Jen Harms. After a shocking betrayal sent her life into a tailspin and deep despair, Jen's choice to rise from the pain would save her life. Listen as Jen shares her story and Spiritual journey which would ultimately lead to finding her light. Learn how one small choice would lead to another, then another, ultimately lifting her from the darkest of circumstances and into a beautiful life she would have otherwise never known.
Episode 005: Tragic Loss Turned to Love, Hope and Purpose—An Interview with Terece Horton
June 12, 2020
Sometimes we can't imagine how we will ever survive when tragedy strikes, yet as our life unfolds we learn that our experiences shape who we are, and enable us to shine our light in unique and unexpected ways.
Join Mary and her conversation with Terece Horton as she shares her story of awakening— how unimaginable loss turns to hope, love and purpose.
Episode 004: A Brief Thought To Consider During These Difficult Times
June 4, 2020
Amidst the conflict and discord, the frustration and sadness, we choose where we focus. Where we put our energy.
Join Mary for a brief episode as she shares a perspective focused on what unites us, rather than what divides us, and something that we can all do to help shift away from sadness, frustration and anger to a place of peace.
Episode 003: Recognizing the Specialness Within You—An Interview with Mary Caprio
May 29, 2020
We all have something special within us, a light we are meant to find and share. But it can be easy to overlook or discount that which is so much a part of us.
Listen as Mary interviews an old college friend, Mary Caprio, who shares her story of energy spent meeting the expectations of others, life's wake-up calls, and how "sheltering in place" helped her slow down and look within to discover her special light and a newfound appreciation for who she is—and who she has always been.
Episode 002: An Inside Peek Into SHINE
May 15, 2020
In March 2020, Mary published a book called "Shine: A Simple Guide to Finding Your Light and Letting It Shine on the World." In this episode, Mary gets into more fascinating details of how the book came to be, and explains what it means to find your light and actionable things you can do to discover what is special within you.
Listen to this episode to learn the 4 Steps you can take to access all the joy, fulfillment, love, and peace that you are meant to have so you can live the life you are meant to live.
Episode 001: Welcome to the Shine Podcast!
May 1, 2020
The Shine Podcast starts off with a bang! For over 20 years, Mary Obana was a senior executive in companies large and small. Then, in January 2020, something extraordinary happened. Listen to Mary's remarkable story of meeting her Spirit Guide, Peter, and the message he had for her and all of us; and how that has led to her work to help everyone live the life they are meant to live.
If you've wondered why you are here, whether you have Spirit Guides of your own, and what it means to Shine, don't miss this episode.